What’s new


# New features

# Bug fixes

# Documentation

# Tests

# Other changes

# Contributors


The model oemof-B3 was fundamentally restructured and improved (see https://github.com/rl-institut/oemof-B3/pulls?page=2&q=is%3Apr+milestone%3Av0.0.2). Among many changes, the following are the most important ones:

# New features - Upload and download of data from oep - Raw data can be downloaded from Zenodo - Constants have been moved to oemof_b3.config.settings.yaml - Names of components are checked

# Documentation - Major improvements of the documentation - Model pipeline has been updated

# Other changes - Snakemake rules have been separated into modules in snakemake_rules. - Create empty data for scalars updated and automated - Logging has been improved

# Contributors - jnnr - MaGering - SabineHaas - juliusmeier - henhuy - monika-o - c-moeller - Stefanie08 - chrwm - khelfen - mjazimm

v0.0.1 (2022-03-14)

First release of oemof-B3.